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About Us

Seeking the blending of Episcopal tradition with contemporary ideas.

St. Peter’s offers two regular Sunday services: a Rite-One service at 8:30 a.m. and a Rite-Two service at 10:30 a.m. Our services give parishioners a variety of opportunities to participate. We have a rotating lector, chalice bearer, acolyte program and Altar Guild for youth and adults. At the conclusion of each service, we send forth our Lay Eucharistic Ministers to share the sacrament of Communion with those who cannot attend the services.


The sacrament of Baptism holds a special place for the communicants of St. Peter’s. Baptism is offered several times during the year, including the Feast of our Lord's Baptism, the Easter Vigil, the Feast of Pentecost, All Saint's Sunday, and during the annual visitation of our Bishop. The newly baptized are welcomed into the body of Christ with special candles and home-made banners that accompany them during the processional hymn.


Confirmation is an occasion for a baptized person to make a mature and public affirmation of their faith. Confirmation is available to teens over 16 and adults who would like to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal church.


Sunday mornings are the foundation of our worship but are by no means the ends to it. In 2010, St. Peter’s added our labyrinth to our Church grounds. Members and guests are free to walk the labyrinth in their own time of spiritual focus and  we also offer numerous group worship times within the labyrinth throughout the year. Our labyrinth is registered with the Labyrinth Society Worldwide Labyrinth Locator.


Parishioners birthdays and wedding anniversaries are noted and celebrated at the altar rail during Sunday services . As school begins each fall, children and their backpacks are blessed; crops from the community garden, and tithed to the needy in the area, are celebrated in the fall, and family pets get special attention near the feast day of St. Francis. In both big and small ways, we weave relationships with all members of the St. Peter’s family, finding ways to make our congregation joyfully unique.


Many of the services and other occasions are enhanced by the music of our choir and organist. These committed musicians, many of whom have been making music at St. Peter’s for a number of years, are a vital part of the church.

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