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Resources on Environmental Sustainability from the US Government and Various Non-Governmental Organizations

There are a vast number of web sites hosted by the US government and NGOs that deal with environmental sustainability. This page contains links to a limited number of such sites that the CCAC thinks may be particularly useful. If you know of a site that is not listed here that you think should be, please pass the information along to a member of the committee.

NOTE: This page is under construction and only contains a small number of links now. We will be constantly adding resources to this page, so please check back frequently.

Information on Tax Rebates for adding Solar Panels and/or other types of clean energy modifications to your home or business:

IRS website describing Federal Tax Rebates (30%) for Clean Energy (

South Carolina Tax Incentives related to clean energy (

Rewiring America – This Nonprofit site contains a collection of resources related to promoting cleaner energy via electrification. It also has a link to an IRA (inflation reduction act) Savings Calculator (see upper right hand corner of the home page) that can help you see how much money you can save via various types of tax incentives (

Duke Energy Home Energy Assessment – FREE – this is a free service offered to Duke Energy customers. It includes a free energy audit for your home, plus an energy saver starter kit with free LED bulbs, an energy-efficient showerhead, weatherstripping and more.

Composting – Instead of throwing food scraps and yard waste into the trash, consider turning these materials into soil via composting. This saves space in landfills and helps to replenish soil, a natural resource that disappearing worldwide at an alarming rate (

Composting Basics – learn about composting and how you can do composting at home

•  More on Composting and Other Ways to Prevent Food Waste – This useful website was added to this list based on the recommendation of a group of elementary students and their mentor, Ruth Platt who works with a conservation organization called the Friends of Bay Minette ( Thanks to Ms. Platt, Jessica, Jocelyn, Adam, and Madalyn for suggesting this great resource!

•  Composting via Atlas Organics and Greenville County landfills is no longer available – While you may have heard of options for composting that don’t require composting at home, sadly the commercial venture called “Atlas Organics” went out of business in 2023, and this also eliminated the option of taking compostable items to the Greenville County landfills which previously partnered with Atlas Organics.

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