St. Peter’s mission is ambitious, and yet it is part of the fabric of who we are as a community. We continually strive to become what our mission statement calls us to be: one Body of transformation, embracing all people through Christ’s love.
Our parish includes members who have moved to the Greenville area from Canada, Europe, Asia and all over the United States. We embrace young and old and everyone in between. We include parishioners who vote for Republicans, Democrats and Independents, and our members hold both conservative and progressive theological views.
While we hail from diverse places and have diverse ideas, there is one thing we hold in common. We all profess the love of Christ, who has called us together in this place to be members of His Body. And just like Christ’s resurrected body, we have some scars and wounds to show; but we also have an amazing experience of transformation to share with those who choose to join us on our spiritual journey.
You could say the history of St. Peter’s begins in 1820 when the Rev. Rodolphus Dickinson (or Dickerson), a Yale-educated native of Massachusetts, established three missions in the Piedmont region of South Carolina. Those missions were St. Paul’s in Pendleton, St. James in Greenville (later renamed Christ Church), and St. Peter’s at the South Carolina Armory (six miles south of Greenville on the Reedy River).
St. Peters was represented at the Diocesan Convention of 1821, but afterwards seems to have failed. The name does not appear again in Greenville County’s Episcopal church history until 1970.
In October 1968, the Rt. Rev. John A. Pinckney, bishop of Upper South Carolina, met with approximately 30 interested people to discuss the creation of a new mission. By December, the group was meeting for services in private homes, eventually moving to an elementary school in the area. The Rev. Rogers Harris became the first priest-in-charge in January 1969, followed seven months later by the Rev. Henry L. Heath, Jr.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church was officially organized on October 24, 1969, with a membership of about 35 and an elected vestry of nine. In February 1970, it was officially recognized by the Diocesan Convention. In 1973, a move was made to Brushy Creek Elementary School for more space for Sunday School classes.
Land for a permanent location was purchased with the aid of the Diocese and Christ Church. Ground was broken on February 10, 1975, on 6.5 acres at the corner of Devenger and Hudson Roads on the East side of Greenville. The Rt. Rev. George Alexander, bishop, and the Ven. William A. Beckham, archdeacon, dedicated St. Peter’s new church building on September 7, 1975. What is now Stockstill Hall was the original worship space, and a faded green trailer served as the first nursery.
The Rev. Marshall O. James assumed duties as Vicar of St. Peter’s in 1981, and he was named rector in 1984 after the church achieved parish status. The Rev. Ed Keith served briefly as priest-in-charge before the Rev. Eric Schnaufer was named rector in 1985. Fr. Eric came to St. Peter’s from Dublin, Georgia, and he served the parish until 2010.
The Rev. Jack Hardaway was St. Peter’s first assistant from 1995 to 1997. He was followed by the Rev. Mary Moore Roberson (1999-2003) the Rev. Dorian del Priore (June 2014-May2017), and the Rev. Marie Cope (May 2013-March 2014 and 2017-present). Deacon Steve McDonald (1991-2003) and Deacon Al Hipp have also served at St. Peter’s. Craig Piepho began serving as organist/choirmaster in 2001, after a decade of service by Freeman Orr.
Growth continued and membership grew to 160 congregants. In 1987, St. Peter’s worship area and classroom space almost doubled in size in a major building expansion. In 1992, the administrative offices, chapel and current nave were completed. In 2008, renovations were completed in the Chapel of the Holy Family.
The Segars Pavilion, named in honor of long-time parishioner E. Harold Segars, Jr., was constructed in 2000 to shelter parish picnics, youth activities and parish family events. In 2001, building renovations created space for an expanded and upgraded kitchen.
A strategic plan for mission was implemented in 2001. In 2002, Adult Christian Formation expanded, Vacation Bible School gained momentum, and nursery facilities grew. Parish support for youth activities also grew in innovative ways, and today our youth groups are flourishing.
The St. Peter’s Players (our drama troupe) has performed for the parish, the community and the diocese for 23 years. Recent productions include “Godspell,” “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “The Miracle Worker,” “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and "Twelve Angry Jurors."
When beloved Rector Fr. Eric Schnaufer retired in 2010 after 25 years of dedicated service, the Rev. Furman Buchanan came on Oct. 1, 2010, to serve as priest-in-charge. Fr. Furman accepted the call to become rector in 2012.
Under Fr. Furman’s leadership, St. Peter’s gained an updated website, a Family Endowment, a Director of Youth Ministries, a Director of Children and Family Ministries, and annual family retreats at Kanuga Retreat Center. Landscaping was enhanced and a new columbarium was built. Fr. Furman also encouraged increased outreach into the community, including a program to provide weekend meals to food-insecure school children and an annual Stop Hunger Now event with our local Islamic community.
The Reverend Charles Wilson Messer, known to most as Father Chuck, became our new Rector in August of 2023.
910 Hudson Road
Greenville, SC 29615
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 25817
Greenville, SC 29616
Sunday Service Times:
8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Office Hours
Mon. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tues. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wed. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Thurs. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fri. 9 a.m. - 12.p.m.