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SPY is St. Peter's Youth

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Our youth community typically meets Sunday afternoons or evenings and provides an opportunity to gather and have fun together. Each week brings a different focus—from service opportunities, to faith exploration, to outings around town for fellowship. We always try to have a meal together, and no matter the topic there is always laughter and fun. We strive to be a welcoming community with everyone being valued for the unique gifts they bring to the group.

Also each week, youth are invited to attend a midweek Bible Study for deeper exploration of the Bible and how it applies in their lives. Bible Study is often held at a nearby Starbucks. St. Peter’s also offers a Confirmation class for those wishing to publicly affirm their faith and receive the Bishop’s laying on of hands.

During school breaks and summer vacation, additional opportunities for mission and outreach are offered to the youth (including Mission trips) in order to provide a chance to grow with Christ, connect with other Christians, and help those in need. We also participate with the larger Episcopal community of our Diocese, attending Diocesan youth weekends around the state.

We hope all St. Peter’s youth will come and experience our awesome community as we grow in our faith together.

Keep Up With SPY

Can you help provide a light meal or extra adult help for our Sunday SPY meetings? Our SPY Kids love to eat together each time we meet, and we could use your help to provide those meals.  Click on the button below to sign-up!

Click the link above to see pictures from recent events on our Facebook page, or follow us on Instagram: @SPYGreenville 

To keep up to date on what is happening with SPY, Confirmation Class, and Diocesan Youth Events visit our St. Peter’s Youth blog site:

Click button below for the SPY Year Round Permission Form that can be filled out and submitted online.

View diocesan youth events for this year –
EDUSC Youth Ministry calendar.

To be put on our email newsletter list, or to get text reminders via Remind, please contact us at with the email button below:

SPY Year Round Permission Form Email SPY Sunday Night Meal Sign-Up
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