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Creation Care

This ministry exists to help all in the community of St. Peter’s church have “reverence for the earth as [God’s] own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others and to [God’s] honor and glory.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 388). This is a mission of crucial importance in these times when earth’s environment is at severe risk, and every human being should be striving to live more sustainably.

Meatless Main Dish Recipes from St. Francis Fest January 19, 2025 - An updated version was posted on 2/1/25

The Episcopal Church is strongly committed to creation care as an act of service to others and as an act of worship of God. There are various descriptions of this commitment, as well as an official covenant, a video, and access to a monthly newsletter available here. Our diocese also has its own Committee on Environmental Stewardship and Justice (a group with which St. Peter’s is affiliated) and you can find a resolution on care for creation that was written by this group and adopted by our dioceses on this page.

The Creation Care Action Committee (CCAC) typically meets on the first Sunday of the month at 11:45 in the church parlor or choir room. Occasionally, we reschedule the monthly meeting due to conflicts with holidays, etc. Anyone is welcome to just show up for a meeting, but if you know ahead of time that you’d like to attend a meeting, please consider contacting Rod Scott to let him know ( That way, he can verify exactly where and when the next meeting will be and we can be well prepared to give you a proper welcome when you arrive.

The Episcopal Church's Call to Climate Action

How is climate change impacting people and places around the world, especially the most vulnerable? What is our call as Episcopalians to protect the earth, our fragile island home? Watch this four-minute video that features voices from the Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop's Delegation to the UN Climate Conference COP26.

The Episcopal Church's Web Site describing its vision for the Ministry of Creation Care

This site contains information about the philosophy of integrating Creation Care into the mission of the Episcopal Church. Among other things, it includes a link to the Church’s Creation Care Covenant, a short video entitled the Episcopal Call to Climate Action, a link to sign up for the monthly Episcopal Church Creation Care newsletter (each of which is listed separately below) and other links describing ways the Episcopal Church is involved in Creation Care.

Relevant documents on Creation Care

Episcopal Covenant to Creation Care PDF Resolution by Diocese of Upper S.C. PDF Episcopal Creation Care Pledge PDF

More resources

Clicking on each of the titles in bold below will take you to another page with lists of links and/or other resources.

Recycling Information Sheet  This brief guide, compiled by the CCAC, contains helpful information, including internet links to sites that will help you figure out what services are available for recycling in Greenville County, and what items can and cannot be recycled by each service. This PDF: “Recycle in Greenville County!” contains a complete list of items that can be recycled. It also indicates where to take specific items and provides location information for various drop-off sites.  

Subscribe to the Monthly Episcopal Church Creation Care Newsletter

Resources on Environmental Sustainability from the US Government and Various Non-Governmental Organizations
There are a vast number of web sites hosted by the US government and NGOs that deal with environmental sustainability. This page contains links to a limited number of such sites that the CCAC thinks may be particularly useful. If you know of a site that is not listed here that you think should be, please pass the information along to a member of the committee.
Click here.

Deep Green Faith Webinar Featuring St. Peter’s Creation Care Action Committee
In June 2023, the Center for Deep Green Faith hosted a webinar that featured St. Peter’s church as an example of a church with a successful Creation Care ministry. Laura Hawkins moderated the webinar and Rod Scott described the recent activities of the CCAC. In July, the Diocesan Committee on Environmental Stewardship and Justice featured
an article by Rod about the webinar in its newsletter. Click here to read the article and/or view the webinar.

Katharine Hayhoe addresses Climate Change and Christianity – Katharine Hayhoe is a highly regarded climate scientist and a professing Christian. In this video, she clearly explains climate change, how it threatens human existence, and why it is an issue that Christians should be actively addressing. Dr. Hayhoe doesn’t start speaking until after the first 5 minutes or so of the video. If the first 5 minutes don’t appeal to you, feel free to skip ahead.

Archives of the “Creation Care Corner” articles from the St. Peter’s Newsletter
Each month, the Church Newsletter features a brief description of some kind of action that each of us can implement in our lives to live more sustainably. These short articles will be archived here so that you can refer back to them in the future.

Contact us for more information and to join

This page contains links to various resources including links that connect to resources from beyond St. Peter’s, and some that are specific to this church. The CCAC hopes to add to what’s available here on a regular basis and to keep the links up to date (if you encounter any links that are no longer active, please send an email to Rod Scott (at If you’d like to join the CCAC or if you have a specific question or concern, please fill in the blanks below.

Contact Us

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