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We are a Community that Practices Hospitality!

One of the most basic manifestations of Christian community is hospitality and Table fellowship, following Christ’s own practice. Where there is Parish Life, there is the opportunity to experience fellowship and to learn more about God’s love for us through one another. Our Parish has a very strong feeling of Family, and we welcome newcomers as family.

On Sundays after the 10:30 a.m. services, Coffee Hour Fellowship provides a time for informal conversation and companionship. Men’s Fellowship, Monthly Fellowship and newcomers events are some of the opportunities to gather and enjoy fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere. It is an excellent way to meet new people. In addition to these monthly gatherings there are annual gatherings such as the annual Parish Picnic, Kanuga Parish Weekend and Lenten Suppers. Please join us – we’d love to get to know you.

Parish Life depends on committee members and parishioners to help carry out the activities that occur all year long. For more information about getting involved in any of the Parish Life activities, contact the Parish Office.

Descriptions of the various groups involved in Parish Life are below:

  • Centering Prayer

    Centering Prayer is a form of silent prayer without words. It is an interior, silent way of being with God and being present to God, to develop a deeper relationship with Him. In this sacred time, we come without words and let go of the interior noise of our thoughts and feelings, just for now. We set aside twenty minutes to be fully present to God. He is already present within us, and in this time of prayer we consent to that reality. We surrender control by letting go of thoughts and words and simply rest in God’s presence.

    St. Peter’s Centering Prayer group meets Wednesdays at 2 p.m. in the Choir Room.

    We start with a short spiritual reading that inspires dialogue about our practice of prayer and incorporating it into our daily lives followed by our 20 minutes of quiet.

    For more information please contact Sally Hansen at

  • Daughters of the King

    The Daughters of the King is an Order for women communicants of the Episcopal Church. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the study of the spiritual life of her parish. All prayer requests are faithfully prayed on daily and are updated after one month.

  • Holy Hikes

    Holy Hikes is a network of Christian eco-ministries rebuilding Communion between all of God's Creation. We are committed to a common practice of worshiping God in the beauty of the outdoors and holding liturgical hikes throughout the year to immerse ourselves in what John Muir called God's "first temples". Check our Facebook page for upcoming hikes and information.

  • Kanuga Parish Weekend

     Each year the parishioners of St. Peter’s spend a fun-filled weekend at Kanuga in Hendersonville, N.C., with delicious food, comfortable accommodations, and lots of fun activities. These include an adult formation program, special programs for children and youth, guided hikes, farm tours and a bonfire with s’mores, as well as lots of time for just hanging out.

  • The Yarn Spinners

    Our needlers meet Tuesday mornings at 10:00am in the Parlor. They are crocheting and knitting prayer shawls or scarves to donate or sell in the autumn bazaar as well as items for family or friends. Feel free to join any Tuesday!


  • Men's Fellowship

    The Men's Group began in the 1990's to bring men of St. Peter's together for fellowship, to assist with projects at the church, and to make charitable donations to support various needs/organizations. The Men's Group has been and continues to be self-funded by member donations from the monthly breakfast and periodic fundraisers. The Men's Group sponsors the annual Parish picnic, a Lenten Supper and supports other Parish ministries. The Men's Group also meets the 2nd Tuesday each month for lunch at a local restaurant. All men are automatic members of the Men's Fellowship Group which averages monthly attendance of 20+ attendees.

  • Monthly Fellowship

    The Adult Fellowship ministry meets monthly in the homes of participants who volunteer to host. Guests bring wine and or an appetizer to share. It is a purely social group; an easy way to meet parish newcomers, and to get to know other parishioners better. Fellowship is usually held on the third Saturday of each month from 6 - 8 p.m. All adults are welcome.

  • Creation Care Action Committee

     This ministry exists to help all in the community of St. Peter’s church have “reverence for the earth as [God’s] own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others and to [God’s] honor and glory.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 388). This is a mission of crucial importance in these times when earth’s environment is at severe risk, and every human being should be striving to live more sustainably. Members of this group meet regularly to interact with one another on issues related to environmental stewardship and to plan initiatives at the parish level. We also serve as liaisons connecting the people of St. Peter’s to the work and recommendations of the diocesan committee on stewardship and environmental justice. Anyone who is deeply concerned about caring for God’s creation is encouraged to join us. Please contact Rod Scott or Laura Hawkins for more information. Click here for more information and resources.

  • Meals to Go Ministry

    A meal is prepared and delivered to any church member/family in need or in transition.

  • Newcomers Wine & Cheese Reception

    The Newcomers Wine & Cheese Reception is an opportunity for new visitors to meet the clergy and a few friendly parishioners. All visitors who sign our guestbook receive an invitation. This event takes place about 10 times a year.

  • Soul Food Lunch Bunch

    Join us for Bible Study and lunch! We meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 12:00-1:00pm in the Choir Room.  Bring your lunch, your Bible (if you don't have one, we can provide one for you), and a willingness to "read, mark, and inwardly digest" the Scripture passages we study. This Bible Study will be organized so that you can come to every session, or just to the ones that work with your schedule.  

  • St. Peter's Community Garden

    St. Peter’s Community Garden was created in 2010 to provide for our neighbors and our members to grow vegetables that we and the hungry in Greenville can share. We currently have 16 plots with capacity of 30. Anyone can have a plot; the fee is $50 each year which pays for the raised bed, the soil and the daily watering. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is located at the corner of Hudson and Devenger Roads in the Eastside of Greenville. All the person has to do is plant, pick , tithe, and weed his/her plot! The 10% tithe is to Miracle Hill’s Woman Shelter, or other hunger organizations. Once a week, a plot owner takes our 10 percent to one of the hunger organizations. 

  • St. Peter's Players

    St. Peter’s Players was founded in 2000 with our production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever."" Since then, we have mounted numerous productions such as Godspell, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Footloose and Alice in Wonderland, making us one of the established theater groups in Greenville. We hold open auditions and present at least two shows a year in the fall and spring. Click here for photos from the most recent production.

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